How important is thermal management in a battery?

Lithium batteries have different fields of application and depending on the purpose for which it is used, the climatic conditions and external temperatures in which it fits.

Is it possible to use the same battery in every climate situation?

No, it is not.

Low temperatures reduce the capacity of the lithium battery, while too high temperatures can cause deterioration, while decreasing its useful life. In fact, depending on the needs, lithium batteries boast a cooling and heating system as well as, obligatorily, a management system (BMS). This ensures optimal safety and performance of the battery.

What advantages does it bring to install a heating system in a lithium battery?

  • Does not deteriorate the battery
  • Increases the battery efficiency
  • Allows an immediate start, even after periods of inactivity
  • Suitable if the work environment is very cold

What advantages does it bring to install a cooling system in a lithium battery?

  • Allows long use of the products where the battery is mounted on
  • Suitable if the work environment is very hot

Time and degrees are therefore decisive in determining which system use in a battery, and is important not to underestimate them.

Galvani Power batteries are designed to perform both cooling functions and heating functions..

To deepen the world of lithium batteries, try to read our other texts!




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