As we know, lithium-ion cells have two electrodes, cathode and anode, plus a central separator, the insulator between the two electrodes and finally an electrolyte, an organic liquid containing lithium salts, filling the internal volume of the cell and wetting the electrodes, joining anode and cathode.
But how do you assemble all these elements?
There is a basic procedure:

(Image by BushVacuumSolution)
- Start the process mixing the slurry with lithium oxides, binders, and solvents. Everything is vacuum sealed. An attempt is made to obtain a uniform compound which will be spread over the metal electrodes to create the anode and cathode sheets.
- Continue with the drying that is carried out to remove moisture from the compound
- Join the sheets together with the addition of the separator
The actual assembly takes place between the multiple sheets obtained in the last phase, with the help of complex and precise machinery. Once assembled, the cell is filled with electrolyte.
All this leads to the creation of cells will be the basis of our lithium battery, subsequently integrating all the remaining components.
To deepen the world of lithium batteries, try to read our other texts!
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